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VAXA in the news

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Vöxtur hjá VAXA Technologies

Íslenska hátæknifyrirtækið VAXA Technologies stefnir á skráningu á markað í kauphöll í New York innan tveggja ára.

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Another weapon to fight climate change? Put carbon back where we found it

Getting to zero carbon emissions won’t save the world...

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Inside this vertical farm, carbon-neutral algae grows under glowing pink lights.

Most vertical farms grow greens like lettuce or spinach, but a facility in a remote corner of Iceland, run by a startup called VAXA Technologies, grows microalgae instead. A new study found that the farm’s process is carbon neutral.

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DIC Invests in Biotech Startup Vaxa Technologies

DIC Corporation (TOKYO:4631) has completed...

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We will be ready for the big boys

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The green sludge that could transform our diets

The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who also resurrected...

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An Algae Factory Opens in Hellisheiði

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This Will be the Largest Algae Factory in the World

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Innovation at ON Power’s geothermal park

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Cutting Out the Middle Fish

Marine microalgae as the next sustainable omega-3 fatty acids and protein...

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Billions of Algae at the Hellisheiði Power Plant

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Catalyzing Innovation

The future of feed: integrating technologies to decouple feed production...

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Target of a Thousand Tons per Year

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The Only Byproduct is Oxygen

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Algaennovation Microalgae Plant Opened

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